Oh, 'now' you care?
Having seen your (presumably) second animation ("2nd Animation!"...) while it was still under judgement I can tell you that I gave said work a lower rating that I would have given he animation on its own, _because_you_clearly_didn't_care_.
The thumbnail is a lie. The title is crap. There is no description on the page itself. The joke correlated with my personal sense of humor though, so I gave it a passing grade. If your first submission wasn't as funny, other users and I were probably not that kind when rating it.
If you gave your first work the same treatment, @AutisticMan1 is probably correct about it having been blammed.
Remember when I accused you of not caring. Look at this comment. 'This' is how it looks when somebody cares. Put some effort in when you submit your "3rd animation". ...or your "1st game".
It probably got blam'd due to it's bad ratings. How was it called, and what was it about?
It was the word “WELCOME” and the letters were falling and sliding &rolling down from the top of the screen